Be Human/Express Yourself [Poem]
being human is a privilege itself,
& your feelings,
they remind you that you’re real
so don’t ever let nobody disregard you
in a moment when you speaking on them feelings
that you feel
what you feel, it is totally 💯...
solely catered
to your own identity,
so it’s understandable
if people tell you to
“get over it”
& you question if they’re your friends
or enemies
& if you think they’re enemies
then let em be..
don’t keep your feelings inn like a motel
but my advice to you is
if you feeling kinda blue,
find another loophole
to express yourself
'cause identity & sadness
they don’t go well..
and if you hold it in, will cause confusion
an identity crisis
would do more damage than ISIS
like a sidekick who
screws up
in an intrusion
but luckily, I found me a solution
I’d hope
but I KNOW it’d work for you too
when you feel the ways you do
don’t look down on yourself
or cope in toxic ways
that your old self’s used to
find that self-connection
like some Bluetooth
that goes for you, but also for myself
express yourself in ways you feel relieved
& not dejected
don’t just go and throw your feelings on the shelf
I’ll put some more perspective
on myself ..
when Lou get in his bag,
he writes poems,
& when someone angers Gabe,
rather than show em
I walk down
to a court alone
& ball
like a scrotum
to cope in healthy ways
is the motive
otherwise, you just jeopardize yourself
remember that your feelings really matter
it’s up to you
to brainstorm better ways
to express
& don’t neglect.