Idle. [Poem]
what a very odd title
for this poem
not the American TV show,
I mean idle
like, alone
might not be ALL alone,
or in the physical at least,
I go to work and all
and when I’m home,
“some” company
nor in the spiritual,
the physical,
feels so pretend..
as I
hang on by a thread
why I feel alone?
because not many comprehend,
being intentional,
but empty
on receiving ends
or when folk say “I feel you dawg”
that term
grazes [past] my head,
to feel alive
with a smile so wide
but deep inside?
sometimes, pretend
or maybe it’s the moment
shares in life,
both good & bad...
can’t front, I do embrace
until reality
pulls me back
still, I feel so thankful
always grateful
for what I have,
while learning how to do
whatever I should’ve learned
from my dad
To be heard, felt, and seen,
empathized and understood,
to scrubbing dirt clean
my bad habits,
and my inner hood
but good or bad,
I’m good.
with my head up,
I keep it rollin’,
since life’s a game
& this a system
here God,
YOU do the controlling
for better days I’m hoping,
not depressed
just more reserved
but working
while I’m learning
idleness is potent
idleness is a lane
with no drivers, but a blindfold
you driving straight
don’t crash no where,
& help those on the side road
my blinkers signal
that I’m on the exit
to the high road
where reciprocity’s recycled,
and understanding's
got me mind-blown
I then
slowly approach the exit
& switch gears on a high note
but conditioning
reroutes me
back on a road
where there ain’t no rivals.
That’s idle.