Letter to Dad (Mind) [Poem]
Updated: Feb 8, 2021
Honestly, it’s hard to find the words
to even start;
hella mixed emotions
that I gotta pick apart
Nonetheless, I’m glad we’re good,
since that’s all that matters
Can better organize my thoughts
& feelings that were scattered
Anger issues Gabe
would’ve hated you with passion
A childhood full of drama
that was topped off
with your absence
Assuming that my presence as your child
had been a cancer,
and life had made me question things
& I ain’t never got an answer
It’s like trying to stay
afloat, but trouble’d
make me sink,
& a broken home
would force the younger king
to overthink
It all seemed like a dream
at once,
was twice I had to blink.
I tried to validate
my state
& why my family
wasn’t in sync
For years that left me riddled,
It had caused me pain, a little.
The same dad
who had said
he hawked me down
at the hospital
Because I was your firstborn,
even though you had me young,
followed nurses to nurseries
so your child,
they wouldn’t mix up
Near the incubator
‘s where you waited like a waiter,
you didn’t leave back then
but you would leave us
three years later
Maybe that explains
just why my favorite number’s 3,
(initially for CP3 &
Mr. Legend from the Heat)

Anyway, next page.
In academics, still successful.
I made the Honor Rolls
& got awards on different levels
Teachers called me special
comprehension was next level,
but behavior problems within
at least back then,
for THEM,
was stressful
That didn’t stop the grades,
got accolades at graduations.
Several times at a time
They’d hear the name,
that big-headed Haitian
Kindergarten, middle school,
& high school graduations,
I did my thing in class
& always earned a sound ovation
Through all the caps & gowns,
around my head
there laid a cloud,
that would’ve quickly faded
had I seen you
in each crowd
I remember Christmas Day
At a young age
You gave a gift
A gift that I would love
& haven’t neglected
ever since
A mini basketball hoop
Little Tikes, to be exact..
A love
You couldn’t sway
or pay
Lil Gabe (till this day)
to give back

Sophomore year
I made a team
& felt a sense of belonging
But my fists would clench,
as I ride the bench.
but Coach, still no responding.

Junior year,
A role player role
had made me feel
Defense led to fouls though..
I barely did the scoring.
Senior year, went crazy
Mike & Leo right beside me
We had our share of games
But pride, I say, was my demising

Every game I played
I had this one cheerleader beside me
But that there would have nothing
On if, one day, you’d surprise me
I felt a sense of value
Simultaneously feeling alone
win or lose a game,
would catch the train alone
to get home
By then I didn’t like you,
You were
the furthest thing from awesome,
But you’re the one who’d
plant that seed of passion
That'd forever blossom

Defenders, I would cross em
but I always felt you crossed me.
But unsettled resentment
in the end
I know
would cost me
So I made a choice
“Do I hold grudges or forgive him?
& will I get a chance to see
my father while he’s still living?"
“God, you know I’m livid,
F*ck this hand that I was given.”
But then I am reminded,
My transgressions,
He’d forgiven
So if I claim I’m Christian
What’s this love I should exhibit?
Life had been unfair
but would I dare
stiffen my pivot?
My heart was steady aching
But my mind knew what to do
Being naturally kind
was cool
But true
love was
forgiving you
Throughout all life’s troubles
it was,
hard to accept
But loving my neighbor
Included my dad,
No matter hurt & regret
I say all this to say
God paved a way
& cleared my mind.
I love you, Dad,
I forgive you,
& I put everything behind.