The Anatomy of Adam [Poem]
The anatomy of Adam,
God’s ideal plan for man
we’ll tackle roles along
so try to keep up if you can
life’ll deal a man
some hands that [he]
won’t understand
some worms is what you’ll find you
when you open up them cans
personally, I’ll verbalize the truth
that’s in advance,
society ain’t helped
& their values don’t stand a chance
when you think of Adam,
God had made use of His hands
to create on earth, a man
to have dominion,
fam & plans
before sin,
here is what Eden
looked like before,
a man that God had made
had grazed throughout the
garden floors,
handled responsibilities
& tackled all his chores..
but consistently,
so habit gave him room
to tackle more
he would walk the garden isles
like it’s a store,
he named the birds, the insects,
water animals & more
God gave man commands
in which he definitely didn’t ignore
‘cause you can be a boss, for sure
but even bosses can get bored
I imagine man,
made by God, so he was Holy,
talked to God like, everyday,
that Holy matrimony
+ he was pretty healthy,
so I’m sure he wasn’t boney
but the garden,
be too cozy
for that man to be so lonely
So God, The Giver of all things,
I’m knowing He ain’t cheap,
dropped that boy some
some melatonin
& put that man to sleep
took a rib right from his side,
I’m sure he didn’t peep,
unless he did
but then
beheld a being
that’d sweep him off his feet
Imagine that
a woman with them curves, who’s so petite
y’all got a garden to y’all selves
& shorty’s yours to keep
not other man to ride ‘round past
& honk their horns (or beep)
I guess when diligence comes from a man
a good woman, he will reap
days would go on by,
enjoy this woman he’d call wife,
she’d be his company,
& in return, he would provide
a happy place, and a headspace
that shorty could confide (in)
man would do everything right
but she would
wander from his side
both her curiosity and
conversational nature
would lead woman far from her man
& put her 🤬 in danger
this the very reason Christ would
come down to a manger
all because a woman
didn’t learn to keep her cool
from strangers
I’m joking,
(tho I’m really tryna mitigate my anger 😅)
it’s true that woman strayed first
so it’s easy to point the finger
you’ll see why & how
it put humanity in danger
after man had let a woman
& his feelings rob his gangsta
God had told them
“Eat from any tree except this one,
& if you choosing otherwise,
then surely you’ll be done”
Eve ate from the tree,
but damage hadn’t been (yet) done,
it’s Adam’s choice that failed us
when what
he should’ve done was RUN
God, in all His loving-care
had told them bout that “one”
didn’t go too much into detail
but ain’t limit them for “fun”,
in a perfect world where ain’t no sin
& man could run
literally EVERYTHING,
set limits,
So a God, there’d be just ONE
that’s right,
the tree was only there
to set some boundaries,
if Adam could run everything then
what would be God to He?
that’s why as a man,
It is important for y’all (us) too see
& think,
not let your feelings or a woman
run you down the sink
Adam did know better
but where he messed up, actually
is failing to trust God
that He’d replace her, fastly
It might sound harsh to say
& I don’t mean shade, passively
but trust God even if
you lose what makes you happily
otherwise, just like this man,
you’ll doom humanity,
brah, we’d all be straight
had ADAM looked right past the tree
or led his wife away from it
lovingly but manly
emotions always valid,
but think
for the sake of your family.