White Power [Poem]
White power.
Side effects like crack powder.
Birthed in a pool of rage
fueled by hate
& black dollars
A color that the Bible defines
as “purity”
but scrutiny against unity?
it spells “coward”.
look at one another
take a look, sisters and brothers.
Is it not so
That we both
possess souls,
thumbs, and mothers?
even 'mongst our own kinds
still, we are each distinguished,
carefully thought out,
hand-crafted & uniquely gifted
but somewhere along,
our humanity has drifted
& the atmosphere of love and hate
I’d say
Has greatly shifted
how much different is a man
that tells lies & one who kills?
& is one who smokes cigars
better off
than one who pops pills?
or what advantage gains a man
who has plans & executes,
to one who’s disadvantaged,
ostracized, & minuscule?
The point is that we’re human
we all bleed & have damage,
simultaneously unique,
& need fixing like mechanics
status, or position
paired with “choice”
can turn one savage,
But through the lens of love
our odds 'come
easier to manage.
White Power.